- It is still today a place of pilgrimage. 至今它仍然是人们朝圣礼拜的场所。
- Roma interest in Simone Loria (31) could become concrete still today. 罗马对洛里亚的兴趣今天变得更加具体。
- The lake is still today. 今天湖水十分平静。
- Still today? It's still a place full of life and dreams? It is not a lifeless museum? 现在还是吗?它还是一个充满生机和活力的地方吗?它不是一个毫无生气的博物馆?
- In Europe also welcomes the black Monday, Australia, New Zealand the opening price is still today in falls. 欧洲也迎来黑色星期一,澳大利亚、新西兰今天开盘依然处于下跌之中。
- Negotiation could be closed still today and Luciano Spalletti could have Matteo Ferrari heir. 谈判今天可能就结束了,而斯帕莱蒂则找到了费拉里的替代者。
- My assumption is both in the time when Mencius lived and still today all decent people would say there is an answer. 我的假定是,不管是在孟子的时代,还是在今天,所有体面正直的人都会说这个问题只有一个答案。
- Still today, with the mountains in the background, with a fairway and a lake in front of the condominium, it's really beautiful. 直到今天,有这些山峦作背景,公寓前面的高尔夫球道和湖泊映衬着它,确实很美。
- However, China was governed by feudalization for over 2000 years;the root of feudalization gives effect on Chinese people still today as well. 但是,中国在封建制度的统治下过了2000多年,这种制度的劣根同样影响中国人至今。
- We start again from Drogba.After the exoneration from Europe Milan still today hope to have good new for Chelsea's striker. 我们将从德罗巴开始,在被淘汰之后,米兰把希望寄托在这位切尔西射手身上。
- Her character "Charlene" in the Australian "soap" Neighbours is still today, arguably, one of the most popular characters ever to come out of Australian television. 她在澳大利亚肥皂剧《邻居》中所扮演的“沙琳”至今为止仍旧是澳大利亚所有电视剧中最受欢迎的角色之一。
- When completed the Forth Bridge broke all records in terms of length, height and quality of material used. It is still today the second longest cantilever bridge ever built. 当完工时,第四大桥打存了长度、高度和使用的建筑材料质量所有三个标准。至今它仍然是已建的第二长的悬索桥。
- The popular hellebore (Helleborus) was used to poison a water supply in the First Sacred War, 595-585 B.C.And still today, castor bean (Ricinus communis) makes the news as a deadly poison. 公元前595-585第一次圣战中,常见的黑黎芦(铁筷子属)用来在自来水中下毒,直到今天也有蓖麻子(蓖麻)做为一种致命的毒药成新闻话题。
- She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first twice-honored Nobel laureate (and still today the only laureate in two different sciences), and the first female professor at the Sorbonne. 在巴黎上学期间,她生活很苦,但学习非常努力,到巴黎两年后,她顺利地取得一级物理学位,1895年她与一位聪明的科学家皮埃尔.;居里结了婚,然后共同对放射性物质进行研究。
- Still today, in colloquial parlance, FANGBIAN can mean "go to the toilet," and DA4BIAN4 ("great convenience") indicates defecation, while XIAO3BIAN4 ("lesser convenience") signifies urination. 直到今天,“方便”在口语中仍然表示“上厕所”,而“大便”(极大的方便)表示通便,然而“小便”(较小的方便)表示撒尿。
- This has not changed over time and still today antitrust authorities investigate the purpose and consequences of any upstream firm looking to vertically integrate into a downstream industry. 这点一直没有发生改变,反垄断调查今天仍然针对上游市场公司对下游市场公司进行垂直整合的动机和后果。
- The scheme is still on the anvil. 这计划尚在筹划中。
- It's hot today, but it'll be still hotter tomorrow. 今天很热,但明天会更热。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best. 尽管他已年近五十,可是他网球还是打得不比别人差。